TheAlien888, one of the FIRST NFT PROJECT to implement Web3 Sub-Domain

TheAlien.888 NFT Project Extends Web3 Subdomain to its NFT Holders 

📣 Great news ..TheAlien.888 Nation!!

TheAlien.888 Web3 subdomain will be the FIRST NFT project THAT IMPLEMENT & extending to our TheAlien.888 NFT Holders 

Come join our Early Adopter to participate on our POC (Proof of Concept) initiatives to extend “xxx.TheAlien.888 “


Only 150  #EarlyAdopter of #TheAlien888 NFT Holders will have this privilege to own a custom subdomain name of their choice! TheAlien.888

These custom Web3 Subdomain will be the only limited edition of TheAlien.888 domain i.e. ‘isaacandy.thealien.888’

THERE WILL ONLY BE 150 Custom Web Subdomain for TheAlien.888




Apart from TheAlien.888's great Deliverables line up with our Roadmap, as we have assured our community that TheAlien.888 will Continuously improve on all aspects of our Project to ensure that TheAlien.888 will always be One-OF-THE-FIRST to Adopt, Implement & Extend to our Early Adopter to experience first-hand!!
